Looking Back to 2022: Record-Breaking Year
Aurélien Tignol, President
Retrospective of 2022 : The year of all records
A little recap of this year 2022: the year of all challenges.
A year during which sourcing components and materials was complicated.
A year during which recruitment was complex.
A year to deploy and penetrate new sectors.
But beyond all a year during which EDGYN took up challenge after challenge to deliver the best.
Aurélien TIGNOL, EDGYN's president
2022 for EDGYNÂ ?
I would say, an absolute record in the number of products protected with our solutions, the development of new markets and the renewed trust of our customers.
And of course , material easy to source ….  And recruitment even more easy to made.
So thanks to all for this beautiful 2022 ,  thanks to EDGYN’s teams, thanks to our clients, , thanks to our partners, thanks to our suppliers … and I wish you all the best for 2023.