We create a secured digital identity for luxury and valuable goods from the biometry of the products, to provide anti-counterfeiting solutions and establish a secured link between a product and its digital identity.

Fight against illicit trade and counterfeiting
Our digital fingerprint anti-counterfeiting solutions for luxury goods allows you to ensure authentication of your products with certainty and helps you identify counterfeits, fake or diverted goods.
When products are distributed to the market, but also when they are brought back for repair in your stores, avoiding issuing warranties on counterfeited products.
Provide a unique digital experience to your customers based on trust
Giving a digital identity for luxury and valuable goods, with digital warranties and certificates of ownership, will enable your company to build a direct and long-lasting relationship with the owners of your luxury products and enhance your customers’ experience. Giving the consumer a greater sense of security and confidence in your brands.
But such consumer relationships must be built on the trust that the product is authentic.
We provide the missing link between a physical product and its digital identity, ensuring the integrity of your digital brand protection strategy.
A secure digital identity for luxury and valuable goods, based on product biometry

Our digital fingerprint technology creates a unique digital signature for each product from the small-scale variations of its material.
Without adding or printing anything, therefore not altering the quality or design of your company’s product, brand and packaging.
This unique and secure product identity can not be copied and will reside with the product, allowing it to be identifiable across its life cycle.
The product carries its own digital identity.
Providing brand protection solutions for luxury goods against counterfeit, fake and diverted products.
A personalized and secured digital experience for your customers

Enable the owners of your products to verify their authenticity
On new valuable goods as well as on second hand products.
Provide securely personalized digital content
Provide securely personalized digital content
Provide a unique experience on second hand products
Product verification by the new owner provides the opportunity to establish a direct relationship, a unique customer experience and onboard the individual consumers in your brand universe, your loyalty, membership program.
A perfect complement to blockchain and NFT
We can provide a full turnkey solution for secured digital identity of your products or complement a blockchain, non fungible tokens platform, providing the secured link between the product and its digital twin.

Contact us
Contact us for more information on our anti-counterfeiting solutions, digital identity and brand protection solution for luxury and valuable goods.

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- Edgyn Connect